225+ Names For A Made Up City (2023)

225+ Names For A Made Up City (2023). Our earth is dotted with cities with creative names. The majority of them are a typical snapshot of a tiny town, with the main exception being their strange or distinctive name. Any writer understands that a city may be a character in its own right, and the better your character’s name is, the more memorable they are, especially if that city or town is an actual location.
Names For A Made Up City

This article contains a plethora of unusual town names that either exist or formerly did. In case you wish to do an additional study on the actual destination, I’ve also supplied the city’s location (to make your story seem more real). I sincerely hope you discover an interesting name that you may use, and please return it frequently as I intend to add it to the list. Thank you for looking.
Village Names
- Whitebridge
- Penshaw
- Matlock
- Eldham
- Haling Cove
- Southwold
- Hadleigh
- Alnwick
- Guthram
- Rochdale
- Murrayfield
- Farnfoss
- Hogsfeet
- Caerdydd
- Lockinge
- Penrith
- Arkala
- Culcheth
- Travercraig
- Chester
- Bellechulish
Fantasy Village Names
- Rotherham
- Emelle
- Boroughton
- Carran
- Ffestiniog
- Mansfield
- Huthwaite
- Marclesfield
- Pavv
- Squall’s End
- Glenarm
- Dragontail
- Moressley
- Hardersfield
- Gilramore
- Aria
- Cardend
- Llanybydder
- Faversham
- Yellowseed
- Carlisle
- Cirencester
- Aramoor
- Furness
- Kincardine
- Ecrin
- Clare View Point
- Blackburn
- Oakheart
- Doonatel
- Broughton
- Carlisle
- Murlayfield
- Nuxvar
Fake City Names
- Strongfair
- Lowestoft
- Beggar’s Hole
- Shepshed
- Perthlochry
- Ironforge
- Tywardreath
- Pontheugh
- Foolshope
- Hull
- Dalmerlington
- Aucteraden
- Carran
- Jongvale
- Larnwick
- Queenstown
- Whaelrdrake
- Baerney
- Wingston
- Arkney
Fantasy City Names
- Openshaw
- Bredwardine
- Berkton
- Wolford
- Norwich
- Kald
- Solaris
- Kilead
- Pitmerden
- Acomb
- Eldham
- Warcester
- Lingmell
- Kilead
- Blackburn
- Peterborough
- Tarnstead
- Jarren’s Outpost
- Landow
- Nearon
- Kincardine
- Aysgarth
- Veritas
Fictional City Names
- Hirane
- Norwich
- Aerilon
- Holbeck
- Narthwich
- Caelfall
- Tardide
- Hammaslahti
- Kara’s Vale
- Cappadocia
- Frostford
- Llanybydder
- Aempleforth
- Chepstow
- Penketh
- Wellspring
- Hythe
- Ruthorham
- Burnsley
Futuristic City Names
- Cardended
- Porthaethwy
- Aramoor
- Norbury
- Ballachulish
- Kinallen
- Torrine
- Bradfordshire
- Wingston
- Bredon
- Edinborourgh
- Greenflower
- Woodpine
- Cardended
- Oldham
- Braedon
- Snowmelt
- Butterpond
- Pontypridd
- Martslock
- Jedburgh
- Panshaw
Town Names
- Kilead
- Briar Glen
- Wellspring
- Caerleon
- Watford
- Wolfden
- Hartlepool
- Helmfirth
- Lancaster
- Laewaes
- Axminster
- Erstonia
- Wavemeet
- Warlington
- Pitmedden
- Addersfield
- MillerVille
- Domburton
- Wealdstone
- Oar’s Rest
- Taewe
Made Up Town Names

- Sudbury
- Cherrytown
- Blue Field
- Orrinshire
- Aempleforth
- Garrigill
- Jedburgh
- Eastbourne
- Taedmorden
- Venzor
- Grasmere
- Ubbin Falls
- Violl’s Garden
- Glanchester
- Caershire
- Snowbush
- Sutton
- Northwich
- Hogsfeet
- Claethorpes
- Bailymena
- Arkkukari
- Skargness
Also Read: Village Names And Suggestions
Medieval Town Names
- Burrafirth
- Kilerth
- Sudbury
- Putlochry
- Zeffari
- Eelry
- Runswick
- Narthwich
- Arkaley
- Goldenleaf
- Frostford
- Auctermunty
- Redwater
- Hampstead
- Barcombe
- Alryne
- Aberdeen
- Roselake
- Glanyrafon
- Threlkeld
- Silverkeep
- Runswick
- Yarrin
Fictional Town Names
- Hardersfield
- Tarrin
- Holmfirth
- Caerleon
- Ely
- Ballaeter
- Penshaw
- Bradford
- Wigston
- Cromerth
- Wingston
- Garmsby
- Kingcardine
- Perthlochry
- Frostford
- Hillford
- Accreton
- Kameeraska
- Ferncombe
- Kilerth
- Erostey
Small Town Names For A Story
- Astrakhan
- Watford
- Ritherhithe
- Krosstoen
- Pella’s Wish
- Grimsby
- Ayrith
- Ampleforth
- Skystead
- Eanverness
- Woodpine
- Millstone
- Windermere
- Lancaster
- Kirkwall
- Rotherhithe
- Penshaw
- Peatsland
- Astrakane
- Pontybridge