
200+ Sweet Baby Names That Mean Mother

Catchy Names That Mean Mother

200+ Sweet Baby Names That Mean Mother. Parents can limit their options for a baby’s name in a variety of ways. Some parents favour having certain letters at the start or end. Some elude to the true meaning. Others turn to mythology and religion. Some people enjoy the heroes of the past. Some parents give their kids movie characters names. Here, we’ve compiled a list of our top mother names from each of the categories above.

200+ Sweet Baby Names that Mean Mother

The best mother-related names include:

  1. Purandhri
  2. Janani
  3. Kausalya
  4. Vaarahi
  5. Diona
  6. Annum
  7. Abarrane
  8. Trishala
  9. Avnita
  10. Fatim
  11. Lillemor
  12. Mahi
  13. Europa
  14. Danaye
  15. Igerne
  16. Mumbi
  17. Cybille
  18. Angira
  19. Lyonors
  20. Vinata
  21. Anjini
  22. Mena
  23. Aaditey

Have you chosen a name yet? There are many options, so there’s no need to worry. The child’s personality traits and the names that best describe them should be known, though. To find inspiration for baby names, look at these resources:

Baby Names that Mean Mother

  1. Haajira
  2. Ormeman
  3. Mritsa
  4. Nnenia
  5. Avani
  6. Maylis
  7. Amphelice
  8. Bestla
  9. Madre
  10. Ammu
  11. Jasodhra
  12. Dorrie
  13. Mitron
  14. Danea
  15. Lokajanani
  16. Emese
  17. Fjorgyn
  18. Concetto
  19. Pruthvij
  20. Gunnlod
  21. Hagar
  22. Amma
  23. Evka
  24. Ambika
  25. Candyce
  26. Maresa
  27. Huwa
  28. Elysabeth
  29. Raim
  30. Anjani
  31. Avishi
  32. Suneeti
  33. Sambu
  34. Azubah
  35. Tonantzin

More Names that Mean Mother

  1. Jagadamba
  2. Khun Mae
  3. Evita
  4. Bolormaa
  5. Dvaimatura
  6. Hajira
  7. Matra
  8. Tahmineh
  9. Maia
  10. Nneka
  11. Satyavati
  12. Panima
  13. Margawse
  14. Alta
  15. Luvinia
  16. Gunel
  17. Merja
  18. Maddyn
  19. Ermenburg
  20. Kathyayani
  21. Dori
  22. Jaria
  23. Asherah
  24. Thraesfrith
  25. Cyrena
  26. Qureshi A
  27. Mamta
  28. Mahika
  29. Eartha
  30. Mahela

Baby Names that Mean Mother Love

  1. Maaksharth
  2. Denay
  3. Madrona
  4. Latonia
  5. Lokamatri
  6. Jasoda
  7. Adica
  8. Samyukhta
  9. Dugga
  10. Mrinmayi
  11. Concetta
  12. Matrikas
  13. Dimitrij
  14. Shakuntala
  15. Kaikeyi
  16. Herzeloyde
  17. Torunn
  18. Aadya
  19. Tiamat
  20. Tonalnan
  21. Maya
  22. Bayarmaa
  23. Mamata
  24. Monja
  25. Miria
  26. Ninson
  27. Shima
  28. Lisanor
  29. Ahlai
  30. Accalia

Names that Mean Mother or World

  1. Merce
  2. Clymene
  3. Mania
  4. Umayma
  5. Matrika
  6. Anglides
  7. Evienne
  8. Thetis
  9. Dimitar
  10. Ambalika
  11. Dmitrei
  12. Helsin
  13. Anjana
  14. Demeter
  15. Danay
  16. Manian
  17. Kiyoma
  18. Yejide
  19. Grimhilde
  20. Dema
  21. Alyssa
  22. Maika
  23. Maera
  24. Ezinne
  25. Atiqtalik
  26. Estrangia
  27. Mitya
  28. Aseneth
  29. Amba

Baby Names that mean Positive Traits

Choosing a name that embodies the desirable qualities you want to see in your child as they mature is one of the well-known strategies that people adhere to. Every time you repeat your child’s name, it will seem as though you are instilling and reiterating that trait in them. Parents have a long list of desirable traits they want to see in their kids. For instance, these are some wonderful baby names:

  1. Jaganmata
  2. Marudevi
  3. Aredetfredhi
  4. Semele
  5. Srutatfedhri
  6. Accolon
  7. Aenheri
  8. Grimhilda
  9. Marylu
  10. Hrodny
  11. Occa
  12. Jhinuk
  13. Custance
  14. Ambi
  15. Gayatri
  16. Denae
  17. Aveni
  18. Ferangiz
  19. Dagmar
  20. Qajeer Gul
  21. Annalysa
  22. Gurbar

Names May Have Stories Behind them

Pick a name that has meaning for you. That’s a rather straightforward concept. However, some names have a history. Some of history’s most well-known names have their roots in mythology and religion. Consider the name “Joshua,” for instance. The Biblical book of Joshua contains Joshua’s life story. After Moses passed away, Joshua, the second judge in the ancient Israelite nation, took over as leader. Check out these fantastic mother-related baby names:

  1. Pritha
  2. Raem
  3. Danae
  4. Umihana
  5. Floramaria
  6. Gunnell
  7. Ambaalika
  8. Amindah
  9. Eleine
  10. Bryngerd
  11. Ermenburga
  12. Nyakio
  13. Atlatonin
  14. Emmita
  15. Nnenne
  16. Altagracia
  17. Acca
  18. Isoude
  19. Yashmita
  20. Lissa

Make a list of personality traits.

Always look for names that have a deep significance associated with them while choosing one for your child. When you are considering hundreds of baby name options, it might be difficult to choose the perfect one. It would benefit you if you make a list of some excellent personality features and give them meaningful titles. Who wouldn’t want their kids to have qualities like bravery, mercy, luck, peace, wealth, curiosity, etc.?

Mother-related baby names include some of the following:

  1. Madra
  2. Mrittika
  3. Pavanrekha
  4. Urvi
  5. Enfleda
  6. Abrianna
  7. Jerline
  8. Raym
  9. Aamina
  10. Noorin
  11. Adanne
  12. Kaushalya
  13. Kandi
  14. Danee
  15. Kandie
  16. Emagine
  17. Aenor
  18. Rhea

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