
225+ Names For A Warlock (2023)

225+ Names For A Warlock (2023). Warlocks are skilled spellcasters who employ Charisma to do their work. Warlocks must have charm as their most important quality. The advantage of having Charisma as a major characteristic for a character is that it automatically increases all of their Charisma talents.

Names For A Warlock

Name For A Warlock

Are you struggling to think of a name for your Warlock? Then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll walk you through the entire process of naming your Warlock in this article. But first, let’s look at some Warlock facts to assist you to come up with a more fitting name for the character.

Good Warlock Names

  1. Ilir
  2. Ivam
  3. Zeke
  4. Nurunu
  5. Feloh
  6. Orun
  7. Ili
  8. Ores
  9. Kaven
  10. Nopo
  11. Leveno
  12. Rumara
  13. Epi
  14. Epa
  15. Narala
  16. Merophu
  17. Nare
  18. Kapes
  19. Olah
  20. Oroh

Cool Warlock Name Ideas

  1. Jile
  2. Tepo
  3. Zaja
  4. Nuphaleh
  5. Vekes
  6. Emupha
  7. More
  8. Rana
  9. Aker
  10. Itos
  11. Paje
  12. Lote
  13. Fenomo
  14. Male
  15. Avepha
  16. Onon
  17. Orun
  18. Topa
  19. Herete
  20. Okes

Orc Warlock Names

  1. Avon
  2. Oran
  3. Alah
  4. Lalura
  5. Noton
  6. Atelu
  7. Fephola
  8. Raphole
  9. Fuphuh
  10. Fetaloh

Undead Warlock Name Ideas

  1. Amel
  2. Madbait
  3. Oralndo Leansinew
  4. Logan
  5. Larc
  6. Uri Hatebearer
  7. Pierrette
  8. Tombroad
  9. Detlef Quye
  10. Jürgen
  11. Kelsey
  12. Quietflesh
  13. Falsebranch
  14. Numbblood
  15. Leigh
  16. Antonio Winmore
  17. Lovell Eastside
  18. Clotilda
  19. Javion Stiffthrill
  20. Newgate

Famous Witch Names For Warlock

  1. Glinda
  2. Mother Shipton
  3. Metrognome
  4. The Worgen Monster
  5. Moogellan
  6. Birgeere Fizzletorque
  7. Cattlerage
  8. Gabriel Darkmore
  9. Laguna Kane
  10. Mace Sangrey
  11. Grim Talbot
  12. Elphaba
  13. Blai
  14. Hecate
  15. Morgan Le Fay
  16. Circe
  17. Maleficent
  18. Gail Vixen
  19. Kellam Crowe
  20. Laguna Shadowend
  21. Seren Talbot
  22. Grim Duke
  23. Morrow Le Blank
  24. Obsidian Tempest
  25. Crimson Nox
  26. Zane Cloven
  27. Umbri Le Douxr
  28. Vexx Barkridge
  29. Stone Wraith
  30. Granger Moonfall
  31. Rave Moriarty
  32. Vayne Angelsin
  33. Carmin Rex
  34. Alarmclock
  35. Joker
  36. The Quartzeneger

Male Warlock Names

Male Warlock Names
  1. Ngawang
  2. Shaman
  3. Gerald
  4. Remus
  5. Pallando
  6. Zephyr
  7. Seamus
  8. Philokrates
  9. Jabbar
  10. Uzzi
  11. Lucius
  12. Maleficus
  13. Albus
  14. Scott
  15. George
  16. Mage
  17. Gwydion
  18. Prabhu
  19. Mark
  20. Nicholas
  21. Qiang
  22. K’Awil
  23. George
  24. Severus
  25. Neville
  26. John
  27. Fabian
  28. Eliphas
  29. Bellamy
  30. Kallikrates
  31. Giles
  32. Ganondorf
  33. Ron
  34. Icarus
  35. Phoenix
  36. Gramarye
  37. Atlantes
  38. Ommin
  39. Rubeus
  40. Raven
  41. Blaise
  42. James
  43. Oscar
  44. Percy
  45. Aspen
  46. Jon
  47. Peter
  48. Robin
  49. Christian
  50. Samuel
  51. Talon
  52. Drudner
  53. Raymond
  54. Harry
  55. Wilmot
  56. Prospero
  57. Abraham
  58. Dune
  59. Linden
  60. Max
  61. Radagast
  62. Merlin
  63. Ambrose
  64. Rincewindnimue
  65. Dune
  66. Blaise
  67. Puck
  68. Decebal
  69. Azziz
  70. Saruman
  71. Birch
  72. Gandalf
  73. Alatar

Also Read: Incubus Names

Female Warlock Names

  1. Prue
  2. Cassandra
  3. Matilda
  4. Harper
  5. Samara
  6. Wanda
  7. Rowena
  8. Aurora
  9. Alecto
  10. Willa
  11. Juniper
  12. Zoe
  13. Sage
  14. Lydia
  15. Hilda
  16. Jade
  17. Beatrix
  18. Cordelia
  19. Tabitha
  20. Phoebe
  21. Helena
  22. Nyx
  23. Belladonna
  24. Allegra
  25. Clara
  26. Sybil
  27. Agnes
  28. Hazel
  29. Mary
  30. Raven
  31. Bellatrix
  32. Sarah
  33. Zelena

Funny Warlock Name Ideas

  1. Ato
  2. Zaka
  3. Alalu
  4. Akim
  5. Nemomo
  6. Hakam
  7. Atir
  8. Helere
  9. Nemo
  10. Nate
  11. Ojin
  12. Uluna
  13. Ulon
  14. Holun
  15. Tiler
  16. Oves
  17. Maka
  18. Elela
  19. Teva
  20. Furo

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