725+ Halfling Names (2023)
725+ Halfling Names (2023). This blog article is dedicated to Halfling names. For decades, fantasy fiction has given halflings many interesting and unique names. The origins and meanings of halfling names are fascinating. We’ll also talk about how Halfling names can help create memorable, meaningful people.
Halfling Names
Many Halflings have unique names, yet many of them are named after natural events. Halflings are named after items found in their natural habitat. A primer on Halfling monikers. I hope you enjoyed learning about the history and meanings of these unique names. Halflings, whose names reflect their culture and history, are frequently used in fantasy fiction.
Male Halfling Names
Here is the list of male halfling names:
- Xander
- Pearl
- Valdon Wisesurge
- Alton
- Lidcey Cleargather
- Pervinca
- Fearhand
- Chillgrasp
- Angelhallow
- Idaree
- Tomburän
- Targin Teawood
- Valkas
- Mossgulf
- Sylmita Bano
- May
- Cólma
- Hilcaryn Stonebranch
- Wialyn Flintcrest
- Wellby
- Jilwyse Ravendance
- Idonan Brushwhistle
- Zenner Fastspark
- Unafira Silenteye
- Logrolencia
- Marni
- Mimosa
- Kithtina
- Margrace Lunarbloom
- Iramo
- Odida
- Marsica
- Quoemin Tosscobble
- Elise Coolmeadow
- Rose
- Camille Tossfeather
- Uritran Shadowbarrel
- Levyre Humblecloak
- Conwrick Tenflow
- Norver
- Panzu Ravenglide
- Ulry Springsky
- Eraeni Earthmeadow
- Orane Wheatpasture
- Wiora Amberwhistle
- Linemin Goldgrove
- Ankas Hilldream
- Unasys
- Therola Deepfeet
- Quinyas Mossbluff
- Trynmia Silentfoot
- Ulhorn Heartfingers
- Grancia
- Vacey
- Therfice
- Jilbrix Applesky
- Aurisier
- Wilwrick Barleydance
- Shaela
- Korry Barleyfinger
Halfling Female Names
Here is the list of halfling female names:
- Orilan Springmouse
- Ulvon Glenbeam
- Merric
- Quintran Swiftmane
- Janlan Barleyace
- Davyver Stoutwoods
- Garder Grasssong
- Goumo Stoutcloak
- Gressons
- Maemita
- Narzon
- Pimeon Leafdancer
- Nordon Fogfellow
- Choyonne
- Telva
- Prubyn Dustfound
- Thamphina
- Eldon
- Serín
- Vierbagne
- Lisir
- Irakin Silverdream
- Yoara Cloudbluff
- Qiris Softfingers
- Iranan Eldermane
- Vanys Glowvale
- Sanfer Commonsky
- Basinfrost
- Ladak Trill
- Hordal
- Welfice Thornbraid
- Silkbay
- Arine Trueearth
- Cordal Ravenglide
- Lightrun
- Maxima
- Wizana Nightdream
- Zenni Teaspark
- Fenzira
- Laret
- Belladonna
- Paesira Cloudmeadow
- Eradrey Appleflow
- Crowchill
- Vala
- Postela
- Eibyn Commonstep
- Mernan Mossspirit
- Falser Fofflingos
- Antofort
- Finfer
- Leóvarre
- Taville
- Hamita
- Nina
- Riojoz
- Brinetown
- Rhoda
- Hororin Highgrove
- Grimalda
Halfling Family Names
Here is the list of halfling family names:
- Trynprys Tallwind
- Jasmine
- Zalser Reedmoon
- Bannois
- Nighthelm
- Faylie
- Corrin
- Selina
- Jilla
- Zenpos
- Uriwrick Fatgather
- Faldal Moonbough
- Miranda
- Cadura
- Zenhace Strongfellow
- Ricser Laughingseeker
- Vervyre Barleywhistle
- Sevilés
- Gloriana
- Oseon Greenkettle
- Semolina
- Bungo
- Zefyra Heartpot
- Idawyse Clearman
- Bridgecoast
- Urihace
- Leyola Bigbrace
- Garret
- Rosamunda
- Eglantine
- Rifire Crazywecd
- Oditrix
- Isengrin
- Falmin Havenbarrel
- Rimin Hillbridge
- Maevira
- Vinnan Fastbrook
- Darzira
- Falvon Autumnbrush
- Kelsys
- Errich
- Uffo
- Montauluçon
- Nedbyn Forefoot
- Andon Coppercreek
- Yophina
- Kella
- Laura
- Rosbyn Tallspark
- Laras Long brand
- Maetina
- Bulava
- Vani
- Mossspell
- Zenzu Fastsurge
- Tanta
- Amaryllis
- Tarvon Bronze bough
- Aiko
- Flamegrasp
Creative Halfling Names
Here is the list of creative halfling names:
- Dina
- Ultran Littleman
- Eder
- Verna
- Yarfer Tossmoon
- Malgrace
- Carlotta
- Belphina
- Barpos Earthwanderer
- Lalia
- Goris
- Badania
- Silverreach
- Lidula Summerbluff
- Diavira Stouthands
- Albarife
- Jiltina Hogbelly
- Tarranca
- Weneon Summerbraid
- Eliyra Cloudleaf
- Colollon
- Bellisima
- Falyver
- Mastián
- Kelprys Glenbranch
- Larin Foreglide
- Griffo
- Ricwrick Boulderwind
- Toscay
- Yenamin
- Estella
- Rosewind
- Anret Truemane
- Sanras Cloudheart
- Lefice Fogfinger
- Rimita
- Riwan Foredance
- Corgin Lunarbough
- Rosa
- Erver Teaace
- Xovon Flintbeam
- Wihaly
- Dogshield
- Berylla
- Marberín
- Nedris Flinthand
- Neton Leaffound
- Johace Summerearth
- Celandine
- Chaluçon
- Oradrey Highdream
- Sharmo Forefinger
- Garfire Barleyearth
- Amranth
- Marirault
- Rorimac
- Bandobras
- Horver Grassspell
- Borluçon
- Sala
Cool Dnd Halfling Names
Here is the list of cool dnd halfling names:
- Tarralma
- Wenhorn
- Orizin
- Rosbrix
- Osborn
- Baros
- Xandrey Cloudmouse
- Carteixo
- Talès
- Bree
- Flynry
- Rosris Tallleaf
- Panorin Riverbarrel
- Eravyre
- Linsire Fastfound
- Aubersart
- Faytina Springflower
- Yesleigh Summerhill
- Lindal
- Martinoît
- Idopos Stronggather
- Prisca
- Hollowspire
- Syljen Proudspell
- Xanora Moonghost
- Magewich
- Merace Bronzemouse
- Halrich Wildbarrel
- Bronzereach
- Ciumería
- Euphemia
- Grarón
- Nelyse Hillfingers
- Eiwyn Moonsong
- Steepbreak
- Orizin Grasscreek
- Verfice
- Nedgrace Salnir
- Erster Ravenbelly
- Celedor
- Frosttide
- Diamond
- Rini
- Hob
- Zeflienne Twilighttop
- Gines
- Mauteaux
- Hildigrim
- Mazzy
- Kelvira Bronzestep
- Lidfice Warmbeam
- Coloppes
- Orafira Fatbottle
- Festián
- Kepli i
- Maldove
- Darrana
- Cade
- Claude Gatefallow
- Balbina
Lightfoot Halfling Names
Here is the list of lightfoot halfling names:
- Horrin Tallwind
- Tolman
- Donamira
- Luva
- Gerda
- Peregrin
- Melilot
- Caramella
- Lidara Stoutgrass
- Odialyn Lightwoods
- Antigues
- Isatrix
- Thereni Nimblesurge
- Sazana Swiftearth
- Pippin
- Frodo
- Korret Havenhands
- Qusica Commongather
- Ullos Lunarfinger
- Unawyse
- Meramin Tosshollow
- Marpos Bronzewhistle
- Xokas Cherrycloak
- Chenfira
- Anrich Cinderman
- Beauzon
- Merkas Bracegirdle
- Osras Silentcreek
- Flyndal Rivercloak
- Shaesira
- Dora
- Qiree Glowbrace
- Ulkas Glenstride
- Merdon Silentseeker
- Thamgwen
- Anhorn Flinthollow
- Therwyse Gammidge
- Eolie
- Faleon Tenshadow
- Oldburgh
- Perton
- Paephina
- Bleakwater
- Sanser Applebrook
- Cottar
- Maeyra
- Shaena
- Beauteaux
- Isembold
- Bourzon
- Lyle
- Taryver Stoutgrass
- Smallvalley
- Peony
- Icegrave
- Martran
- Amethyst
- Hilda
- Idadrey Springbeam
- Therphina Tosssky
Dnd Halfling Name Ideas
Here is the list of dnd halfling name ideas:
- Eona Galialrird
- Clearkeep
- Elikis Bronzecrest
- Zalamin Strongcrest
- Odiara
- Eiprys
- Yentran
- Iravon
- Norpher Cloudace
- Tarkas
- Colbonne
- Graris Havenhands
- Ronald
- Blagroño
- Panner Bramblesurge
- Quinwan Whisperdancer
- Belwrick Brambleeyes
- Nedjen Commondew
- Balbo
- Yosys Hogfinger
- Gelvira
- Tarorin Deepgrove
- Urikas Lunarcheeks
- Mentha
- Tryndove
- Unadove Heartstream
- Adam Oakapple
- Bridgevault
- Gelna Applebridge
- Tenenada
- Lidree
- Kithrana Strongstep
- Xanbul Underhill
- Trynsira Summerwind
- Horver Warmbraid
- Jilara
- Lindak Highdance
- Belinda
- Myrtle
- Quinfire Emberhand
- Oragwen Tenbelly
- Otho
- Galimora
- Bonita
- Yesfice Barleycheeks
- Frowyse
- Raelerona
- Grada Fathare
- Erorin
- Haldon
- Shroudcrest
- Elirana
- Sylcey Bramblemane
- Nedjen Deepsun
- Sadove
- Ferife
- Vinhorn Emberkettle
- Marberense
- Quonan Bright whistle
- Ourenca
Ghostwise Halfling Name Ideas
Here is the list of ghostwise halfling name ideas:
- Erton Summermeadow
- Orider
- Paela
- Isengar
- Primula
- Roappe
- Urihace Fastbloom
- Tander
- Melissa
- Charroux
- Linda
- Godal Curlywit
- Villeurzieu
- Yenras Stillearth
- Hilwyn Smoothbrook
- Garrin Lightshine
- Erfer
- Ouretiva
- Sangin Freestride
- Finace Runninggoat
- Riwyn Grandstride
- Salastile
- Isaora Quickbottle
- Yozana Swiftfoot
- Steelbarrow
- Gobéliard
- Belves
- Salvia
- Heartborn
- Tardal
- Vitronin
- Rufus
- Zalyver Tosssurge
- Áviedo
- Pruola Sunberry
- Camnoît
- Wilder Mildbeam
- Cotman
- Rouzon
- Tougueux
- Tradepass
- Hillienne Wisemane
- Idoyas Grassfound
- Segojoz
- Arkin Grandeyes
- Yolanda
- Uvitrix Hogdancer
- Elry Grandsun
- Ergin
- Blackshade
- Finnan
- Xanwyn
- Merumo
- Fayfice Humbleman
- Gorbulas
- Tasart
- Maelie Stonefeet
- Scorchhost
- Valumo Proudmane
- Quinpher
Rogue Halfling Name Ideas
Here is the list of rogue halfling name ideas:
- Primrose
- Elkas Softmantle
- Barrich Lightbraid
- Tedoba
- Oracey
- Belelle Mosssky
- Ricvon Barleybrand
- Cerdic
- Orogon
- Gelora Clearbranch
- Esmeralda
- Bertille Underhill
- Steelwich
- Yozira Laughingwater
- Navalencia
- Flynmo
- Wolfbreak
- Xieni Bramblesky
- Gokin
- Bridgeyard
- Roscoe
- Gelree Greenhare
- Drogo
- Pruyola
- Puvin
- Riry
- Draguivers
- Garrin
- Tadoba
- Carissa
- Quinn Potshard
- Welprys
- Isane
- Eratrix Teafeet
- Finkas
- Uvini
- Ricdon Grassbridge
- Reed
- Adelard
- Zalfer
- Fearrun
- Idoorin Marblerabbit
- Yarvon Riverblossom
- Rowan
- Porbella
- Cuelle
- Unatina Lightglide
- Paladin
- Nora
- Unari Tallvale
- Panmin Elderwater
- Nedda
- Arzor Silentmouse
- Gautier Leagallow
- Calkin
- Labul Brushpot
- Orabyn Mistbrook
- Diamanda
- Qidove Swiftdew
- Asphodel
Halfling Last Names
Here is the list of halfling last names:
- Alfrida
- Panwan Rivercloak
- Belba
- Wilton Proudpot
- Navajoz
- Muledo
- Segodad
- Beldon Tenbridge
- Linace Dustflower
- Daisy
- Zalry Embershine
- Bourmiers
- Malwyse
- Marhace Springfingers
- Fenwyse
- Adaldrida
- Xanrich Scattermaker
- Xomo Mossglide
- Lily
- Quosire Brambletopple
- Janzu Coppertop
- Erster Marbledew
- Celendine
- Somería
- Janvias Shadowspirit
- Winterlight
- Bredove
- River Applehand
- Isayra Quickwillow
- Barner
- Zalzor Brushbridge
- Arabella
- Milo
- Xansire
- Jilwyse
- Oriemin Stilldew
- Xileigh Fatvale
- Idoos Appleleaf
- Largo
- Armida
- Stillforest
- Pamphila
- Lidda
- Swanshield
- Kithsys Fernwhistle
- Widove Applefingers
- Vilona
- Qini
- Eosica
- Linemin Gardner
- Brittleside
- Perhace Lonemeadow
- Norpher Smoothfoot
- Tarnan Quicksky
- Bortoise
- Vinfer Sunbones
- Touluire
- Sharver Coldsleep
- Dralimar
- Ander
Halfling Town Name Ideas
Here is the list of halfling town name ideas:
- Odijen
- Fearrest
- Korver Longhill
- Anpher Lightmane
- Elrich Brambleearth
- Maesys
- Gorin Dustdance
- Belbéliard
- Jantran Bramblegrove
- Flynyver Freeeye
- Robinia
- Duenna
- Wildshear
- Horamin Fastsun
- Anselme Bushgatherer
- Carcannois
- Badorm
- Idacey Glenspell
- Pervon
- Anson
- Alzigoza
- Jemima
- Joyas
- Davry Cloudhare
- Dudo
- Paebyn Brushmeadow
- Périlles
- Sanzu Clayhanger
- Pedderee
- Cornelia
- Xosire Smoothwater
- Laric
- Iraos Twilightspirit
- Edgeward
- Belzana Bigspell
- Icehost
- Therzira Twilightgrove
- Wildpond
- Segomadura
- Amaranth
- Maryola Hazzarg
- Danric Bronzeman
- Vinmur
- Gramita Humblespirit
- Olo
- Sylda
- Jaywyse
- Gormadoc
- Zenfice Commonfoot
- Kormin Hogleaf
- Teyver
- Susannah
- Sanric Tenhare
- Fenyra Rosestride
- Petrilly
- Wenace Proudleaf
- Bertha
- Darelle Shadowcreek
- Welna Truesun
- Orikin
Halfling Names
Here is the list of halfling names:
- Urifer Ravenbrook
- Ávirtos
- Merry
- Gilly
- Oureruel
- Westminster
- Amalda
- Mustián
- Ansica Flintearth
- Orister Bouldertopple
- Fréssons
- Donnamira
- Chenzira Nightmoon
- Jayalyn Mosssky
- Ceredic
- Nerich
- Besanmomble
- Kithfira
- Neeon Commonflower
- Fayyra Softbelly
- Ruby
- Norvias
- Vitroyonne
- Sarlême
- Saunesse
- Mainnois
- Falco
- Hororin
- Shaeyra Mosssun
- Thergrace Ravencreek
- Baryas
- Elibyn
- Girorez
- Bill
- Fatima
- Colin Meadowfield
- Falpher Swiftfinger
- Nemia
- Wilfire Tencreek
- Ulfer Nightfound
- Stormmere
- Bodo
- Finvias
- Savanna
- Madgrove
- Melindy
- Cara
- Ricrich
- Valdemar
- Ereon
- Zenwyn
- Pantran Commonshadow
- Cammasse
- Baypost
- Draguinne
- Pandora
- Poppy
- Fayri Forebelly
- Kaswan Nimbleeyes
- Beaulogne
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