
725+ Halfling Names (2023)

725+ Halfling Names (2023). This blog article is dedicated to Halfling names. For decades, fantasy fiction has given halflings many interesting and unique names. The origins and meanings of halfling names are fascinating. We’ll also talk about how Halfling names can help create memorable, meaningful people.

Halfling Names

Halfling Name

Many Halflings have unique names, yet many of them are named after natural events. Halflings are named after items found in their natural habitat. A primer on Halfling monikers. I hope you enjoyed learning about the history and meanings of these unique names. Halflings, whose names reflect their culture and history, are frequently used in fantasy fiction.

Male Halfling Names

Here is the list of male halfling names:

  1. Xander
  2. Pearl
  3. Valdon Wisesurge
  4. Alton
  5. Lidcey Cleargather
  6. Pervinca
  7. Fearhand
  8. Chillgrasp
  9. Angelhallow
  10. Idaree
  11. Tomburän
  12. Targin Teawood
  13. Valkas
  14. Mossgulf
  15. Sylmita Bano
  16. May
  17. Cólma
  18. Hilcaryn Stonebranch
  19. Wialyn Flintcrest
  20. Wellby
  21. Jilwyse Ravendance
  22. Idonan Brushwhistle
  23. Zenner Fastspark
  24. Unafira Silenteye
  25. Logrolencia
  26. Marni
  27. Mimosa
  28. Kithtina
  29. Margrace Lunarbloom
  30. Iramo
  31. Odida
  32. Marsica
  33. Quoemin Tosscobble
  34. Elise Coolmeadow
  35. Rose
  36. Camille Tossfeather
  37. Uritran Shadowbarrel
  38. Levyre Humblecloak
  39. Conwrick Tenflow
  40. Norver
  41. Panzu Ravenglide
  42. Ulry Springsky
  43. Eraeni Earthmeadow
  44. Orane Wheatpasture
  45. Wiora Amberwhistle
  46. Linemin Goldgrove
  47. Ankas Hilldream
  48. Unasys
  49. Therola Deepfeet
  50. Quinyas Mossbluff
  51. Trynmia Silentfoot
  52. Ulhorn Heartfingers
  53. Grancia
  54. Vacey
  55. Therfice
  56. Jilbrix Applesky
  57. Aurisier
  58. Wilwrick Barleydance
  59. Shaela
  60. Korry Barleyfinger

Halfling Female Names

Here is the list of halfling female names:

  1. Orilan Springmouse
  2. Ulvon Glenbeam
  3. Merric
  4. Quintran Swiftmane
  5. Janlan Barleyace
  6. Davyver Stoutwoods
  7. Garder Grasssong
  8. Goumo Stoutcloak
  9. Gressons
  10. Maemita
  11. Narzon
  12. Pimeon Leafdancer
  13. Nordon Fogfellow
  14. Choyonne
  15. Telva
  16. Prubyn Dustfound
  17. Thamphina
  18. Eldon
  19. Serín
  20. Vierbagne
  21. Lisir
  22. Irakin Silverdream
  23. Yoara Cloudbluff
  24. Qiris Softfingers
  25. Iranan Eldermane
  26. Vanys Glowvale
  27. Sanfer Commonsky
  28. Basinfrost
  29. Ladak Trill
  30. Hordal
  31. Welfice Thornbraid
  32. Silkbay
  33. Arine Trueearth
  34. Cordal Ravenglide
  35. Lightrun
  36. Maxima
  37. Wizana Nightdream
  38. Zenni Teaspark
  39. Fenzira
  40. Laret
  41. Belladonna
  42. Paesira Cloudmeadow
  43. Eradrey Appleflow
  44. Crowchill
  45. Vala
  46. Postela
  47. Eibyn Commonstep
  48. Mernan Mossspirit
  49. Falser Fofflingos
  50. Antofort
  51. Finfer
  52. Leóvarre
  53. Taville
  54. Hamita
  55. Nina
  56. Riojoz
  57. Brinetown
  58. Rhoda
  59. Hororin Highgrove
  60. Grimalda

Halfling Family Names

Here is the list of halfling family names:

  1. Trynprys Tallwind
  2. Jasmine
  3. Zalser Reedmoon
  4. Bannois
  5. Nighthelm
  6. Faylie
  7. Corrin
  8. Selina
  9. Jilla
  10. Zenpos
  11. Uriwrick Fatgather
  12. Faldal Moonbough
  13. Miranda
  14. Cadura
  15. Zenhace Strongfellow
  16. Ricser Laughingseeker
  17. Vervyre Barleywhistle
  18. Sevilés
  19. Gloriana
  20. Oseon Greenkettle
  21. Semolina
  22. Bungo
  23. Zefyra Heartpot
  24. Idawyse Clearman
  25. Bridgecoast
  26. Urihace
  27. Leyola Bigbrace
  28. Garret
  29. Rosamunda
  30. Eglantine
  31. Rifire Crazywecd
  32. Oditrix
  33. Isengrin
  34. Falmin Havenbarrel
  35. Rimin Hillbridge
  36. Maevira
  37. Vinnan Fastbrook
  38. Darzira
  39. Falvon Autumnbrush
  40. Kelsys
  41. Errich
  42. Uffo
  43. Montauluçon
  44. Nedbyn Forefoot
  45. Andon Coppercreek
  46. Yophina
  47. Kella
  48. Laura
  49. Rosbyn Tallspark
  50. Laras Long brand
  51. Maetina
  52. Bulava
  53. Vani
  54. Mossspell
  55. Zenzu Fastsurge
  56. Tanta
  57. Amaryllis
  58. Tarvon Bronze bough
  59. Aiko
  60. Flamegrasp

Creative Halfling Names

Here is the list of creative halfling names:

  1. Dina
  2. Ultran Littleman
  3. Eder
  4. Verna
  5. Yarfer Tossmoon
  6. Malgrace
  7. Carlotta
  8. Belphina
  9. Barpos Earthwanderer
  10. Lalia
  11. Goris
  12. Badania
  13. Silverreach
  14. Lidula Summerbluff
  15. Diavira Stouthands
  16. Albarife
  17. Jiltina Hogbelly
  18. Tarranca
  19. Weneon Summerbraid
  20. Eliyra Cloudleaf
  21. Colollon
  22. Bellisima
  23. Falyver
  24. Mastián
  25. Kelprys Glenbranch
  26. Larin Foreglide
  27. Griffo
  28. Ricwrick Boulderwind
  29. Toscay
  30. Yenamin
  31. Estella
  32. Rosewind
  33. Anret Truemane
  34. Sanras Cloudheart
  35. Lefice Fogfinger
  36. Rimita
  37. Riwan Foredance
  38. Corgin Lunarbough
  39. Rosa
  40. Erver Teaace
  41. Xovon Flintbeam
  42. Wihaly
  43. Dogshield
  44. Berylla
  45. Marberín
  46. Nedris Flinthand
  47. Neton Leaffound
  48. Johace Summerearth
  49. Celandine
  50. Chaluçon
  51. Oradrey Highdream
  52. Sharmo Forefinger
  53. Garfire Barleyearth
  54. Amranth
  55. Marirault
  56. Rorimac
  57. Bandobras
  58. Horver Grassspell
  59. Borluçon
  60. Sala

Cool Dnd Halfling Names

Here is the list of cool dnd halfling names:

  1. Tarralma
  2. Wenhorn
  3. Orizin
  4. Rosbrix
  5. Osborn
  6. Baros
  7. Xandrey Cloudmouse
  8. Carteixo
  9. Talès
  10. Bree
  11. Flynry
  12. Rosris Tallleaf
  13. Panorin Riverbarrel
  14. Eravyre
  15. Linsire Fastfound
  16. Aubersart
  17. Faytina Springflower
  18. Yesleigh Summerhill
  19. Lindal
  20. Martinoît
  21. Idopos Stronggather
  22. Prisca
  23. Hollowspire
  24. Syljen Proudspell
  25. Xanora Moonghost
  26. Magewich
  27. Merace Bronzemouse
  28. Halrich Wildbarrel
  29. Bronzereach
  30. Ciumería
  31. Euphemia
  32. Grarón
  33. Nelyse Hillfingers
  34. Eiwyn Moonsong
  35. Steepbreak
  36. Orizin Grasscreek
  37. Verfice
  38. Nedgrace Salnir
  39. Erster Ravenbelly
  40. Celedor
  41. Frosttide
  42. Diamond
  43. Rini
  44. Hob
  45. Zeflienne Twilighttop
  46. Gines
  47. Mauteaux
  48. Hildigrim
  49. Mazzy
  50. Kelvira Bronzestep
  51. Lidfice Warmbeam
  52. Coloppes
  53. Orafira Fatbottle
  54. Festián
  55. Kepli i
  56. Maldove
  57. Darrana
  58. Cade
  59. Claude Gatefallow
  60. Balbina

Lightfoot Halfling Names

Here is the list of lightfoot halfling names:

  1. Horrin Tallwind
  2. Tolman
  3. Donamira
  4. Luva
  5. Gerda
  6. Peregrin
  7. Melilot
  8. Caramella
  9. Lidara Stoutgrass
  10. Odialyn Lightwoods
  11. Antigues
  12. Isatrix
  13. Thereni Nimblesurge
  14. Sazana Swiftearth
  15. Pippin
  16. Frodo
  17. Korret Havenhands
  18. Qusica Commongather
  19. Ullos Lunarfinger
  20. Unawyse
  21. Meramin Tosshollow
  22. Marpos Bronzewhistle
  23. Xokas Cherrycloak
  24. Chenfira
  25. Anrich Cinderman
  26. Beauzon
  27. Merkas Bracegirdle
  28. Osras Silentcreek
  29. Flyndal Rivercloak
  30. Shaesira
  31. Dora
  32. Qiree Glowbrace
  33. Ulkas Glenstride
  34. Merdon Silentseeker
  35. Thamgwen
  36. Anhorn Flinthollow
  37. Therwyse Gammidge
  38. Eolie
  39. Faleon Tenshadow
  40. Oldburgh
  41. Perton
  42. Paephina
  43. Bleakwater
  44. Sanser Applebrook
  45. Cottar
  46. Maeyra
  47. Shaena
  48. Beauteaux
  49. Isembold
  50. Bourzon
  51. Lyle
  52. Taryver Stoutgrass
  53. Smallvalley
  54. Peony
  55. Icegrave
  56. Martran
  57. Amethyst
  58. Hilda
  59. Idadrey Springbeam
  60. Therphina Tosssky

Dnd Halfling Name Ideas

Here is the list of dnd halfling name ideas:

  1. Eona Galialrird
  2. Clearkeep
  3. Elikis Bronzecrest
  4. Zalamin Strongcrest
  5. Odiara
  6. Eiprys
  7. Yentran
  8. Iravon
  9. Norpher Cloudace
  10. Tarkas
  11. Colbonne
  12. Graris Havenhands
  13. Ronald
  14. Blagroño
  15. Panner Bramblesurge
  16. Quinwan Whisperdancer
  17. Belwrick Brambleeyes
  18. Nedjen Commondew
  19. Balbo
  20. Yosys Hogfinger
  21. Gelvira
  22. Tarorin Deepgrove
  23. Urikas Lunarcheeks
  24. Mentha
  25. Tryndove
  26. Unadove Heartstream
  27. Adam Oakapple
  28. Bridgevault
  29. Gelna Applebridge
  30. Tenenada
  31. Lidree
  32. Kithrana Strongstep
  33. Xanbul Underhill
  34. Trynsira Summerwind
  35. Horver Warmbraid
  36. Jilara
  37. Lindak Highdance
  38. Belinda
  39. Myrtle
  40. Quinfire Emberhand
  41. Oragwen Tenbelly
  42. Otho
  43. Galimora
  44. Bonita
  45. Yesfice Barleycheeks
  46. Frowyse
  47. Raelerona
  48. Grada Fathare
  49. Erorin
  50. Haldon
  51. Shroudcrest
  52. Elirana
  53. Sylcey Bramblemane
  54. Nedjen Deepsun
  55. Sadove
  56. Ferife
  57. Vinhorn Emberkettle
  58. Marberense
  59. Quonan Bright whistle
  60. Ourenca

Ghostwise Halfling Name Ideas

Here is the list of ghostwise halfling name ideas:

  1. Erton Summermeadow
  2. Orider
  3. Paela
  4. Isengar
  5. Primula
  6. Roappe
  7. Urihace Fastbloom
  8. Tander
  9. Melissa
  10. Charroux
  11. Linda
  12. Godal Curlywit
  13. Villeurzieu
  14. Yenras Stillearth
  15. Hilwyn Smoothbrook
  16. Garrin Lightshine
  17. Erfer
  18. Ouretiva
  19. Sangin Freestride
  20. Finace Runninggoat
  21. Riwyn Grandstride
  22. Salastile
  23. Isaora Quickbottle
  24. Yozana Swiftfoot
  25. Steelbarrow
  26. Gobéliard
  27. Belves
  28. Salvia
  29. Heartborn
  30. Tardal
  31. Vitronin
  32. Rufus
  33. Zalyver Tosssurge
  34. Áviedo
  35. Pruola Sunberry
  36. Camnoît
  37. Wilder Mildbeam
  38. Cotman
  39. Rouzon
  40. Tougueux
  41. Tradepass
  42. Hillienne Wisemane
  43. Idoyas Grassfound
  44. Segojoz
  45. Arkin Grandeyes
  46. Yolanda
  47. Uvitrix Hogdancer
  48. Elry Grandsun
  49. Ergin
  50. Blackshade
  51. Finnan
  52. Xanwyn
  53. Merumo
  54. Fayfice Humbleman
  55. Gorbulas
  56. Tasart
  57. Maelie Stonefeet
  58. Scorchhost
  59. Valumo Proudmane
  60. Quinpher

Rogue Halfling Name Ideas

Here is the list of rogue halfling name ideas:

  1. Primrose
  2. Elkas Softmantle
  3. Barrich Lightbraid
  4. Tedoba
  5. Oracey
  6. Belelle Mosssky
  7. Ricvon Barleybrand
  8. Cerdic
  9. Orogon
  10. Gelora Clearbranch
  11. Esmeralda
  12. Bertille Underhill
  13. Steelwich
  14. Yozira Laughingwater
  15. Navalencia
  16. Flynmo
  17. Wolfbreak
  18. Xieni Bramblesky
  19. Gokin
  20. Bridgeyard
  21. Roscoe
  22. Gelree Greenhare
  23. Drogo
  24. Pruyola
  25. Puvin
  26. Riry
  27. Draguivers
  28. Garrin
  29. Tadoba
  30. Carissa
  31. Quinn Potshard
  32. Welprys
  33. Isane
  34. Eratrix Teafeet
  35. Finkas
  36. Uvini
  37. Ricdon Grassbridge
  38. Reed
  39. Adelard
  40. Zalfer
  41. Fearrun
  42. Idoorin Marblerabbit
  43. Yarvon Riverblossom
  44. Rowan
  45. Porbella
  46. Cuelle
  47. Unatina Lightglide
  48. Paladin
  49. Nora
  50. Unari Tallvale
  51. Panmin Elderwater
  52. Nedda
  53. Arzor Silentmouse
  54. Gautier Leagallow
  55. Calkin
  56. Labul Brushpot
  57. Orabyn Mistbrook
  58. Diamanda
  59. Qidove Swiftdew
  60. Asphodel

Halfling Last Names

Here is the list of halfling last names:

  1. Alfrida
  2. Panwan Rivercloak
  3. Belba
  4. Wilton Proudpot
  5. Navajoz
  6. Muledo
  7. Segodad
  8. Beldon Tenbridge
  9. Linace Dustflower
  10. Daisy
  11. Zalry Embershine
  12. Bourmiers
  13. Malwyse
  14. Marhace Springfingers
  15. Fenwyse
  16. Adaldrida
  17. Xanrich Scattermaker
  18. Xomo Mossglide
  19. Lily
  20. Quosire Brambletopple
  21. Janzu Coppertop
  22. Erster Marbledew
  23. Celendine
  24. Somería
  25. Janvias Shadowspirit
  26. Winterlight
  27. Bredove
  28. River Applehand
  29. Isayra Quickwillow
  30. Barner
  31. Zalzor Brushbridge
  32. Arabella
  33. Milo
  34. Xansire
  35. Jilwyse
  36. Oriemin Stilldew
  37. Xileigh Fatvale
  38. Idoos Appleleaf
  39. Largo
  40. Armida
  41. Stillforest
  42. Pamphila
  43. Lidda
  44. Swanshield
  45. Kithsys Fernwhistle
  46. Widove Applefingers
  47. Vilona
  48. Qini
  49. Eosica
  50. Linemin Gardner
  51. Brittleside
  52. Perhace Lonemeadow
  53. Norpher Smoothfoot
  54. Tarnan Quicksky
  55. Bortoise
  56. Vinfer Sunbones
  57. Touluire
  58. Sharver Coldsleep
  59. Dralimar
  60. Ander

Halfling Town Name Ideas

Here is the list of halfling town name ideas:

  1. Odijen
  2. Fearrest
  3. Korver Longhill
  4. Anpher Lightmane
  5. Elrich Brambleearth
  6. Maesys
  7. Gorin Dustdance
  8. Belbéliard
  9. Jantran Bramblegrove
  10. Flynyver Freeeye
  11. Robinia
  12. Duenna
  13. Wildshear
  14. Horamin Fastsun
  15. Anselme Bushgatherer
  16. Carcannois
  17. Badorm
  18. Idacey Glenspell
  19. Pervon
  20. Anson
  21. Alzigoza
  22. Jemima
  23. Joyas
  24. Davry Cloudhare
  25. Dudo
  26. Paebyn Brushmeadow
  27. Périlles
  28. Sanzu Clayhanger
  29. Pedderee
  30. Cornelia
  31. Xosire Smoothwater
  32. Laric
  33. Iraos Twilightspirit
  34. Edgeward
  35. Belzana Bigspell
  36. Icehost
  37. Therzira Twilightgrove
  38. Wildpond
  39. Segomadura
  40. Amaranth
  41. Maryola Hazzarg
  42. Danric Bronzeman
  43. Vinmur
  44. Gramita Humblespirit
  45. Olo
  46. Sylda
  47. Jaywyse
  48. Gormadoc
  49. Zenfice Commonfoot
  50. Kormin Hogleaf
  51. Teyver
  52. Susannah
  53. Sanric Tenhare
  54. Fenyra Rosestride
  55. Petrilly
  56. Wenace Proudleaf
  57. Bertha
  58. Darelle Shadowcreek
  59. Welna Truesun
  60. Orikin

Halfling Names

Halfling Name Ideas

Here is the list of halfling names:

  1. Urifer Ravenbrook
  2. Ávirtos
  3. Merry
  4. Gilly
  5. Oureruel
  6. Westminster
  7. Amalda
  8. Mustián
  9. Ansica Flintearth
  10. Orister Bouldertopple
  11. Fréssons
  12. Donnamira
  13. Chenzira Nightmoon
  14. Jayalyn Mosssky
  15. Ceredic
  16. Nerich
  17. Besanmomble
  18. Kithfira
  19. Neeon Commonflower
  20. Fayyra Softbelly
  21. Ruby
  22. Norvias
  23. Vitroyonne
  24. Sarlême
  25. Saunesse
  26. Mainnois
  27. Falco
  28. Hororin
  29. Shaeyra Mosssun
  30. Thergrace Ravencreek
  31. Baryas
  32. Elibyn
  33. Girorez
  34. Bill
  35. Fatima
  36. Colin Meadowfield
  37. Falpher Swiftfinger
  38. Nemia
  39. Wilfire Tencreek
  40. Ulfer Nightfound
  41. Stormmere
  42. Bodo
  43. Finvias
  44. Savanna
  45. Madgrove
  46. Melindy
  47. Cara
  48. Ricrich
  49. Valdemar
  50. Ereon
  51. Zenwyn
  52. Pantran Commonshadow
  53. Cammasse
  54. Baypost
  55. Draguinne
  56. Pandora
  57. Poppy
  58. Fayri Forebelly
  59. Kaswan Nimbleeyes
  60. Beaulogne

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