430+ Frogs Names Ideas And Suggestions. Choosing a name for your frog or toad can be difficult because there are so many options available. Frogs and toads are found in a variety of sizes, colors, and forms. You might be inclined to give your new pet a name that reflects its appearance or personality, or you might need some inspiration. To get some suggestions for naming your cold-blooded friend, look at 100 names for frogs, including both male and female names, humorous choices, and fictional frogs and toads.
Top Frogs and Toad Names
- Princess Tiana
- Bogart
- Pepe the Frog
- Wart
- Hopscotch
- Jeremiah
- Bully
- Trevor
- Kermit
- Prince Naveen
- Jelly
- Lollihops
- Ribbit
- Mr. Toad
- Tad or Tadpole
Girl Frog and Toad Names
- Ethyl
- Daphne
- Zoe
- Dixie
- Holly
- Millie
- Isabella
- Ivory
- Polly
- Cathy
- Lizzie
- Ginny
- Skye
- Jackie
- Shelly
- Zelda
- Rosy
- Roxie
- Kelsey
- Macie
- Betty
- Donna
- Kissy
- Zadie
- Holly
- Dahlia
- Ivy
- Fergie
- Haley
- Mandy
- Jasmine
- Iris
- Sandy
- Georgia
- Kerry
- Molly
- Tickles
- April
- Trixie
- Jelly
- Xena
- Charlotte
- Hibiscus
- Zookie
- Athena
- Honey
- Dot
- Penelope
- Misty
- Belle
- Blossom
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Unique Frog and Toad Names
- Croak
- Slippy
- Greeny
- Climber
- Hopscotch
- Leap
- Freckles
- Ribbit
- Hopalong
- Lily Paddy
- Swamp
- Croakster
- Big Lips
- Hoppy
- Bubbles
- Goliath
- Speckles
- Hip Hop
- Tad or Tadpole
- Lily
Best Pet Frog Names
- Warts
- Mustard
- Yoda
- Frankie
- Snapper
- Tadpole
- Jade
- Ribbit
- Hopper
- Kermit
- Dapper
- Lily
- Zippy
- Toad
- Queenie
- Venus
- Bamby
- Bubbles
- Croak
- Jam
- Bullet
- Freddo
- Prince
- Emerald
- Dumpling
- Ollie
- Speckle
- Web
- Lemon
- Fran
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Female Frog Names
- Cindy
- Winnie
- Esther
- Becky
- Lucy
- Daphne
- Hattie
- Wendy
- Bridget
- Maddie
- Addison
- Georgia
- Freida
- Jade
- Holly
- Molly
- Zoe
- Jessie
- Patricia
- Violet
- Imogen
- Raya
- Opal
- Nina
- Suzie
- Dahlia
- Evie
- Catherine
- Ursula
- Katya
Male Frog Names
- Chris
- Drake
- Arthur
- Kero
- Beli
- Gustav
- Zulin
- Mittwoch
- Hunter
- Fern
- Polywrath
- Bappy
- Homer
- Futon
- Vincent
- Tate
- Choji
- Ethan
- Plumps
- Phrog
- Fletcher
- Bartles
- Scooter
- Vale
- Kermit
- Pesto
- Bean(s)
- Kermi
- Clyde
- Mako
- Rufus
- Fredo
- Glenn
- Majestic
- George
- Zorro
- Buster
- Poco
- Caesar
- Cassidy
- Polygon
- Jeremiah
- Cracker
- Bags
- Jackson
- Pepe
- Ebil
- Crump
- Moose
- Leapy
- Archie
- Roy
- Steve
- Tyler
- Frank
- Rhys
- Callum
- Ben
- Hugh
- George
- Pete
- Gary
- Bradley
- Max
- Jermaine
- Oscar
- Ivor
- Sam
- Liam
- Nigel
- Harvey
- Patrick
- Ian
- Noel
- David
- Jeremiah
- Ethan
- Ovie
Cute Frog Names
- Glitter
- Happy
- Ray
- Indie
- Hoppy
- Jewel
- Angel
- Diamond
- Fringe
- Shine
- Fender
- Sunny
- Love
- Maisy
- Sparks
- Petal
- Strawberry
- Tulip
- Bubbles
- Rose
- Chick
- Poppy
- Stripes
- Cutie
- Speckle
- Gem
- Noelle
- Duke
- Faith
- Cloud
Cool Frog Names
- Super
- Popper
- Racer
- Archer
- Ozzy
- Iggy
- Vinny
- Diesel
- Pump
- Denim
- Zeke
- Engine
- Trip
- Bruce
- Jam
- Axel
- Fang
- Tiger
- Whisper
- Maiden
- Quid
- Ender
- Gunner
- Runner
- Leo
- Spike
- Fanta
- Xander
- Jupiter
- Menace
Badass Frog Names
- Storm
- Sauron
- Blade
- Thanos
- Sheriff
- Godfather
- Voldemort
- Barbossa
- Pirate
- Palpatine
- Venom
- Joker
- Outlaw
- Snake
- Vader
- Magneto
- Jabba
- Gruber
- Hannibal
- Bane
- Hulk
- Beast
- Kreuger
- Scar
- Gandalf
- Cobra
- Bandit
- Terminator
- Sniper
- King
Tree Frog Names
- Spruce
- Pine
- Holly
- Alder
- Buddleia
- Birch
- Lilac
- Honeysuckle
- Yew
- Oak
- Spindle
- Hawthorn
- Willow
- Ivy
- Hazel
- Beech
- Laurel
- Maple
- Elm
- Fir
- Walnut
- Dogwood
- Ash
- Juniper
- Buckthorn
- Aspen
- Rowan
- Cherry
- Sycamore
- Chestnut
Baby Frog Names
- Zoom
- Puck
- Shelby
- Umberto
- Jett
- Grady
- Rex
- Puppy
- Smarty
- Jamie
- Adam
- Stuart
- Astro
- Carlos
- Ferdinand
African Dwarf Frogs Names
- Amphie
- Flipper
- Swimmer
- Spotty
- Toothless
- Smol
- Hoppy
- Biscuit
- Jellybean
- Joey
- Cosmos
- Ladybug
- Huey
- Hopper
- Lily
- Daisy
- Pickle
- Honey
- Billie
- Green Pea
- Cubs
- Kiki
- Indy
- Croaky
- Joy
- Wade Froggs
- Michael J Frog
- Sir Hopsalot
- Busta Slimes
- Dwight Eisenhopper
- Ribbit Deniro
- Optimus Slime
- Ribbit Gilliman
- Anthony Hop-kins
- Frog the Bounty Hunter
- Ribbit Downey Jr.
- Anthony Hopkins
- Snoop-frog
- Lillypad Von Ribbit IV
- Aristotle
- Dennis Hopper
- Gweneth Paltoad
- Coakley
- Pablo Escofrog
- Gwen Stefroggy
- Toadibias
- Rosie the Ribbitor
- Edward Hopper
- Buffarino
- Applecheeks
- Fly
- Lilo
- Hobbit
- Calum
- Claw
- Slimmy
- Boogy
- Hershey
- Franky
- George
- Mr. Fribble
- Gordo
- Springer
- Bigger
- Fatso
- Splat
- Frogzilla
- Twizzler
- Callisto
- Jasper
- Stomper
- Tex
- Fillmore
- Nexus
- Slick
- Climber
- Moco
- Sticky