
90+ Female Viking Names (2023)

90+ Female Viking Names (2023). We’ve compiled a list of female Viking name and their meanings, including renowned women from Norse mythology as well as some ordinary girl’s name.

Female Viking Names

Female Viking Name

Women during the Viking Age were very different from women in other periods and civilizations. Many of them were housewives, but they were also formidable female fighters. They, like their husbands, exercised control in their houses.

Best Female Vikings Name Ideas

Here is the list of best female Vikings name ideas:

  1. Agda
  2. Aife
  3. Aina
  4. Airica
  5. Aldith
  6. Aloisa
  7. Alvar
  8. Arvid
  9. Asti
  10. Astrid
  11. Batilde
  12. Berthe
  13. Berthilde
  14. Branka
  15. Brendette
  16. Brenn
  17. Brimlad
  18. Brina
  19. Brita
  20. Bruna
  21. Chara
  22. Dagmar
  23. Dagny
  24. Ebbe
  25. Edlen
  26. Erlene
  27. Erling
  28. Felda
  29. Freya
  30. Frigga
  31. Garda
  32. Genowefa
  33. Gerde
  34. Grissel
  35. Gudren
  36. Gunhilda
  37. Hedda
  38. Helga
  39. Hertha
  40. Hilde
  41. Hildi
  42. Holde
  43. Humla
  44. Idun
  45. Ilka

Female Viking Name Ideas

Female Viking Name Ideas

Here is the list of female Viking name Ideas:

  1. Ilke
  2. Inge
  3. Ingeborg
  4. Ingrid
  5. Irmuska
  6. Isane
  7. Ivana
  8. Kindra
  9. Labrenda
  10. Lada
  11. Lova
  12. Ludovica
  13. Lulita
  14. Mariuerla
  15. Moja
  16. Morag
  17. Neci
  18. Niel
  19. Norell
  20. Olga
  21. Orsolla
  22. Oula
  23. Rune
  24. Selda
  25. Serhilde
  26. Serrilda
  27. Sigrid
  28. Solveig
  29. Solvej
  30. Svana
  31. Thora
  32. Thyra
  33. Tova
  34. Triska
  35. Ulf
  36. Ulka
  37. Ulli
  38. Ursa
  39. Urszula
  40. Velika
  41. Verina
  42. Vinga
  43. Viveka
  44. Walberga
  45. Yanka
  46. Yulla

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