
125+ Fantasy Girl Names (2023)

125+ Fantasy Girl Names (2023). If you’re considering a dream name for your daughter, you’re on the right track. Indulging in your imagination is one of the countless significant benefits of a fantasy name. Do you have a beloved movie with a fantasy girl name that you think would be perfect for a baby girl?

Fantasy Girl Names

Fantasy Girl Name

You’ll see that fantasy names appear in nature in the future. Some names are excellent, while others are simply stunning. Given all of this, we have created a list of fantasy girl name ideas, which you can choose for your daughter; with this name, your daughter will be the only female in her school.

Best Fantasy Girls Name Ideas

Here is the list of best fantasy girls name ideas:

  1. Arrietty
  2. Cybele
  3. Eretria
  4. Guinevere
  5. Hecate
  6. Nienna
  7. Seren
  8. Violet
  9. Xaria
  10. Ysabell
  11. Zazie
  12. Arya
  13. Aurora
  14. Carme
  15. Eowyn
  16. Inara
  17. Mazarine
  18. Nerys
  19. Rosalind
  20. Seraphine
  21. Vána
  22. Willow
  23. Xarissa
  24. Auryn
  25. Bella
  26. Diana
  27. Echo
  28. Zyla
  29. Tess
  30. Sybil
  31. Rhea
  32. Primrose
  33. Oreithyia
  34. Alura
  35. Isabeau
  36. Gwenith
  37. Minerva
  38. Nessa
  39. Nyota
  40. Ruatha
  41. Sansa
  42. Wendy
  43. Xava
  44. Arete
  45. Andromeda
  46. Coraline
  47. Golda
  48. Helen
  49. Kamala
  50. Aerwyna
  51. Bellona
  52. Eirene
  53. Caerlion
  54. Daphne
  55. Hera
  56. Juno
  57. Laverna
  58. Pax
  59. Sága
  60. Thalia

Fantasy Girl Names

Fantasy Girl Names Ideas

Here is the list of fantasy girl names:

  1. Xamira
  2. Aphrodite
  3. Calliope
  4. Danae
  5. Erato
  6. Inanna
  7. Kara
  8. Nyx
  9. Penelope
  10. Rosmerta
  11. Sól
  12. Venus
  13. Xanadu
  14. Artemis
  15. Asteria
  16. Cassandra
  17. Demeter
  18. Europa
  19. Felicity
  20. Isis
  21. Katniss
  22. Leia
  23. Nox
  24. Alia
  25. Clio
  26. Don
  27. Enid
  28. Evera
  29. Felixa
  30. Gaia
  31. Gamora
  32. Porpentina
  33. Sarah
  34. Xanthippe
  35. Persephone
  36. Veritas
  37. Xantara
  38. Astraea
  39. Athena
  40. Ceres
  41. Dia
  42. Fortuna
  43. Iris
  44. Leta
  45. Nona
  46. Phoebe
  47. Sylvia
  48. Tiggy
  49. Xantha
  50. Ada
  51. Aerendel
  52. Clementia
  53. Dike
  54. Ender
  55. Freya
  56. Luna
  57. Mazarine
  58. Nymeria
  59. Proserpina
  60. Valerian
  61. Xanthia
  62. Ygritte
  63. Aeryn

Also Read: Vintage Girl Names

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