125+ Fantasy Girl Names (2023)

125+ Fantasy Girl Names (2023). If you’re considering a dream name for your daughter, you’re on the right track. Indulging in your imagination is one of the countless significant benefits of a fantasy name. Do you have a beloved movie with a fantasy girl name that you think would be perfect for a baby girl?
Fantasy Girl Names

You’ll see that fantasy names appear in nature in the future. Some names are excellent, while others are simply stunning. Given all of this, we have created a list of fantasy girl name ideas, which you can choose for your daughter; with this name, your daughter will be the only female in her school.
Best Fantasy Girls Name Ideas
Here is the list of best fantasy girls name ideas:
- Arrietty
- Cybele
- Eretria
- Guinevere
- Hecate
- Nienna
- Seren
- Violet
- Xaria
- Ysabell
- Zazie
- Arya
- Aurora
- Carme
- Eowyn
- Inara
- Mazarine
- Nerys
- Rosalind
- Seraphine
- Vána
- Willow
- Xarissa
- Auryn
- Bella
- Diana
- Echo
- Zyla
- Tess
- Sybil
- Rhea
- Primrose
- Oreithyia
- Alura
- Isabeau
- Gwenith
- Minerva
- Nessa
- Nyota
- Ruatha
- Sansa
- Wendy
- Xava
- Arete
- Andromeda
- Coraline
- Golda
- Helen
- Kamala
- Aerwyna
- Bellona
- Eirene
- Caerlion
- Daphne
- Hera
- Juno
- Laverna
- Pax
- Sága
- Thalia
Fantasy Girl Names

Here is the list of fantasy girl names:
- Xamira
- Aphrodite
- Calliope
- Danae
- Erato
- Inanna
- Kara
- Nyx
- Penelope
- Rosmerta
- Sól
- Venus
- Xanadu
- Artemis
- Asteria
- Cassandra
- Demeter
- Europa
- Felicity
- Isis
- Katniss
- Leia
- Nox
- Alia
- Clio
- Don
- Enid
- Evera
- Felixa
- Gaia
- Gamora
- Porpentina
- Sarah
- Xanthippe
- Persephone
- Veritas
- Xantara
- Astraea
- Athena
- Ceres
- Dia
- Fortuna
- Iris
- Leta
- Nona
- Phoebe
- Sylvia
- Tiggy
- Xantha
- Ada
- Aerendel
- Clementia
- Dike
- Ender
- Freya
- Luna
- Mazarine
- Nymeria
- Proserpina
- Valerian
- Xanthia
- Ygritte
- Aeryn
Also Read: Vintage Girl Names