270+ Chicken Names And Suggestions. As charming, humorous, or unusual as your pet hen or rooster can be, chicken names can be. Families with lots of outdoor space can have chickens as pets, and they can also provide fresh eggs for their morning meals.
We’re going to share lists of fantastic names for every type and shade of chicken today. We have the ideal chicken names for your amazing flock, whether you have Speckled Sussexes, Easter Eggers, or Rhode Island Reds.
Chicken Names And Suggestions
Once your creative juices start flowing, picking a name for your new pet hen or rooster can be a lot of fun! Because more people want to eat fresh, organic eggs and spend time with these intelligent, sociable, and affectionate animals, keeping chickens has grown so widespread. But each of them needs a chicken name that fits their character!
Best Chicken Names
Here is the list of Best Chicken Names:
- Kylling (Danish word for chicken)
- Gabby
- Rocky Rhode (Chicken Run)
- Kahan (Finnish word for chicken)
- Chick-ira (Shakira)
- Frango (Portuguese word for chicken)
- Going Quackers (Donald Duck)
- Big Red
- Hank
- LaRue
- Rosemary
- Galo (Portuguese word for rooster)
- Mohawk
- Cosmo
- Hane (Danish word for rooster)
- Bonnie
- Mrs. Doubt-fryer
- Vinny
- Angelica
- Annie Yoak-ley
- Cornelius the Rooster (Kellogg’s)
- Phoenix
- Colton
- Panchito Pistolles (The Three Caballeros)
- Hillary Fluff (Hillary Duff)
- Scarlet
- Jagger
- Pui (Romanian word for chicken)
- Big Stuff
- General Tsao
- Mary Poop-ins
- Lil’ Layin
- Winston
- Chubby Chicken
- Happy Feet (Happy Feet)
- Edward Scissor-beak (Edward Scissorhands)
- Napoleon
- Jeepers Cheepers
- Tammy Wyandotte
- Kukko (Finnish word for rooster)
- Kip (Dutch word for chicken)
- Haan (Dutch word for rooster)
- Egg-dar Allen Poe
- Bernadette the Chicken (Donald Duck)
- The Egg-scorcist
- Rusty
- Hei Hei (Moana)
- Egg-sy
- Alan-a-dale (Robin Hood)
- Sanders
- Chick-ovsky (Chaikovsky)
- Hartley
- Little Red
- Blossom
- Cocos (Romanian word for rooster)
- Laying Matilda
- Chick Jagger (Mick Jagger)
- Boom Chick-a
- Broody Biddy
- Ruff Cluck
- Edwina
- Hen-ifer Aniston
- Cora
- Ruby
- Lady Kluck (Robin Hood)
- Feather Locklear
- Bruce
- Ernie the Giant Chicken (Family Guy)
- Floyd
- Soft Boiled
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Unique Chicken Name
- Ziggy
- Stewie
- Gallus (Latin word for rooster)
- Poulet (French word for chicken)
- Curly-Q
- Re-pecka (Rebecca)
- J.S. Bock (Bach)
- Pavarotti
- Egg-cellent
- Hahnchen (German word for chicken)
- Gallo (Spanish and Italian word for rooster)
- Paisley
- Pullum (Latin word for chicken)
- Pollo (Spanish and Italian word for chicken)
- Goner
- Alarm Clock
- Strutter
- Coxcomb
- Hahn (German word for rooster)
- Coq (French word for rooster)
Chicken Name for Multiple Chickens
- Snap, Crackle and Pop
- Thelma and Louise
- Eeny, meeny, miny and moe
- Yin and Yang
- Salt and Pepper
- Sugar and Spice
- Romeo and Juliet
- Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
- Cookies and Cream
- Laverne and Shirley
- Anna and Elsa
- Sonny and Cher
- Lucy and Desi
- Flora, Fauna and Merryweather
- Hansel and Gretel
- Bonnie and Clyde
Funny Chicken Names
- Cluck Norris (Chuck Norris)
- Roo-st Paul (Ru Paul)
- Cluck Kent (Clark Kent)
- Grace Shell-y (Grace Kelly)
- Dolly Carton (Dolly Parton)
- Rooster Cogburn (same)
- Goldie Hen (Goldie Hawn)
- Gregory Peck (same)
- Atilla the Hen (Atilla the Hun)
- Meryl Cheep (Meryl Streep)
- Yolk-o Ono (Yoko Ono)
- Amelia Egg-hart (Amelia Earhart)
- Dixie Chick (Dixie Chicks)
- Hen Solo (Han Solo)
- Wyatt Chirp (Wyatt Earp)
- Princess Lay-er (Princess Leia)
- Lindsey Lo-hen (Linsdsey Lohan)
- Oprah Hen-frey (Oprah Winfrey)
- Russell Crow (Russell Crowe)
- Hen-neth Paltrow (Gwyneth Paltrow)
Choosing Chicken Names
- lay
- cluck
- chirp
- hen
- wattle
- carton
- beak
- peep
- bird
- fowl
- chick
- comb
- feather
- rooster
- doodle
- cock
- scratch
- poop
- egg
- shell
Female Chicken Names
- Zoey
- Margo
- Harriet
- Zinnia
- Stella
- Henrietta
- Camilla
- Eloise
- Bernadine
- Cordelia
- Katana
- Clementine
- Violet
- Ginger
- Tillie
- Dot
- Monique
- Bertha
- Yetta
- Matilda
Names for Roosters
- Big Boy
- George
- Gus
- Earl
- Elvis
- Duke
- Hank
- Frodo
- Dusty
- Freddie
Male Chicken Names
- Oscar
- Sonny
- Spike
- Fowl-er
- Ace
- Roy
- Cheech
- Clyde>
- Crow-der
- Lefty
- Arlo
- Chong
- Leary
- Jonesy
- Poncho
- Opus
- Gus
- Rocky
Top Pet Chicken Names
- Teriyaki
- Yolkahontas
- Rosie
- Marsala
- Ruby
- Snowball
- Meryl Cheep
- Drumstick
- Margaret Hatcher
- Tandoori
- Nugget
- Frittata
- Peep
- Piccata
- Noodle
- Curry
- Daisy
- Kung Pao
Cool Chicken Names
- Sweet Beak
- Hot Wings
- Tyrannosaurus Pecks
- Sir Pecks-a-lot
- Scrambles
- Little Red Hen
- Drumstick
- Coop-er
- Princess Buttercup
- Sunny Side Up
- Mother Clucker
- Cock-a-doodle-do
- Sir Cluckington
- Turkey Lurkey
- Free Range
- Chick-Fil-A
- McNugget
- Lady Bird
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Chicken Name Based on Foods
- Cashew
- Nugget
- Kung Pao
- Buffalo
- Parmesan
- Piccata
- Omelet
- Pot Pie
- Custard
- Quiche
- Crispy
- Curry
- Egg Nog
- Teriyaki
- Colonel Sanders
- Kabob
- Frittata
- Hot Wing
- Drumstick
- Dumpling
- Sesame
- Benedict
- Patty
- Peep
- Tender
- Noodle
- Tandoori
- Divan
- Marsala
Punny Chicken Name
- Margaret Hatcher
- Obi Wan Henobi
- Princess Lay-a
- Sir Clucks-A-Lot
- Hen Solo
- Attila the Hen
- Yolkahontas
- Yolko Ono
- Meryl Cheep
- Albert Eggstein
- Amelia Egghart
- Tyrannosaurus Pecks
- Cluck Kent
- Cluck Norris
- Chick Jagger
- Cluck Rogers