200+ Awesome Names That Mean Victory. Parents can limit down their options for a baby’s name in a variety of ways. Some parents favour having certain letters at the start or end. Some elude to the true meaning. Others turn to mythology and religion. Some people enjoy the heroes of the past. Some parents give their kids movie characters as names. Here, we provide the winning names that we think best represent each of the aforementioned categories.
The names that most accurately convey victory include:
- Jaivaha
- Deepinder
- Daphna
- Bunnie
- Harkiranjeet
- Jayenda
- Jayatheertha
- Attamjit
- Jaipreet
- Khushjeet
- Kelci
- Birinderjeet
- Bernice
- Jayachandran
- Jayathi
- Jayateerth
- Jaitik
- Jayendra
- Fathia
- Debjit
- Eunicia
- Chandanbir
- Hukumjeet
- Jayatra
- Aadijay
Baby Names that Mean victory
- Banjeet
- Jaisudha
- Asjita
- Jaya lakshmi
- Azfaar
- Jaysukh
- Jayaram
- Berniss
- Kamaljeet
- Jayakanta
- Jayad
- Chaiya
- Balbinderjit
- Berenike
- Jaishankar
- Colie
- Budog
- Jayakumar
- Kaianna
- Fatehroop
- Jayna
- Jayashish
- Ghamandjeet
- Klaus
- Colen
- Bhagatjeet
- Jairas
- Bhalinderjit
- Kamaljit
- Fatehdeep
- Birjeet
- Gulshanjeet
- Beorhtsige
- Coryn
- Avajay
More Names that Mean victory
- Jairasa
- Fatehkaram
- Jithesh
- Collete
- Bhajanjeet
- Berniece
- Jayawant
- Berni
- Dayajeet
- Jaisnava
- Claas
- Jayaketan
- Jayaraj
- Jayay
- Jayashekara
- Fatehnaam
- Juggy
- Bahadurjeet
- Collins
- Joydeep
- Gurinderjeet
- Jayisnu
- Jayavel
- Jayawardhan
- Berneice
- Brahmjeet
- Komaljeet
- Kelcie
- Dupinder
- Dharamvir
Girl Names that Mean Victory
- Jaithra
- Chanchaljeet
- Bishanjeet
- Fauzi
- Kanwarjeet
- Atamjeet
- Jairaj
- Japjeet
- Edilda
- Chananjeet
- Jaitra
- Chaisai
- Boadicea
- Jayatsen
- Jigishu
- Colin
- Debroah
- Jasjit
- Covin
- Jayashri
- Jaiwant
- Bimaljeet
- Eunike
- Evnika
- Jaisukha
- Janjeet
- Gurujit
- Jayadeva
- Bhupinderjeet
- Debi
- Kalajeet
- Gurfateh
- Jayaganesh
- Bijaya
- Jayaprada
Names that Mean Gift or Victory
- Jigisu
- Gurjinder
- Jayatsena
- Bikramjeet
- Kalonice
- Jayasudha
- Kinsey
- Avitori
- Jaylesh
- Kanchanjeet
- Kolette
- Clayson
- Fatehchand
- Kesri
- Avtarjeet
- Gunjeet
- Biswajeet
- Glor
- Coleka
- Jupinderjit
- Jaydeb
- Jaisekhara
- Jayarath
- Jayasekhar
- Atinderjeet
- Jayashekhar
- Karamjeet
- Katsuro
- Kensey
- Calen
Baby Names that mean Positive Traits
Choosing a name that embodies the desirable qualities you want to see in your child as they mature is one of the well-known strategies that people adhere to. Every time you repeat your child’s name, it will seem as though you are instilling and reiterating that trait in them. Parents have a long list of desirable traits they want to see in their kids. For instance, these are some wonderful baby names:
- Burnice
- Ghilibba
- Bizziza
- Budoc
- Chananjit
- Joyendu
- Jaishree
- Jaipratan
- Jaisnavi
- Harcharanjit
- Eunice
- Kawaljit
- Jayachand
- Fatehpal
- Ghulubba
- Dafna
- Harkaranjit
- Bhavanjeet
- Hakamjeet
- Harmanjeet
Names May Have Stories Behind them
Pick a name that has meaning for you. That’s a rather straightforward concept. However, some names have a history. Some of history’s most well-known names have their roots in mythology and religion. Consider the name “Joshua,” for instance. The Biblical book of Joshua contains Joshua’s life story. After Moses passed away, Joshua, the second judge in the ancient Israelite nation, took over as leader. Check out these fantastic victory-themed baby names:
- Jayram
- Ekanjeet
- Balwinderjit
- Jayasree
- Kewaljeet
- Claus
- Kekepania
- Kawaljeet
- Eshwarjeet
- Jeethesh
- Jayaprabha
- Balinderjit
- Bhagwantjeet
- Jaydeep
- Gurjit
- Jayakamal
- Anujay
- Jaya prateek
- Bernita
- Jaisudhan
Make a list of Personality Traits
Always look for names that have a deep significance associated with them while choosing one for your child. When you are considering hundreds of baby name options, it might be difficult to choose the perfect one. It would benefit you if you make a list of some excellent personality features and give them meaningful titles. Who wouldn’t want their kids to have qualities like bravery, mercy, luck, peace, wealth, curiosity, etc.?
Here are a few illustrations of baby names that convey triumph:
- Jayaraman
- Karanjit
- Jaynil
- Bhushanjeet
- Jaydev
- Bipinjeet
- Jasminjeet
- Klaes
- Fawzy
- Easharjeet
- Jasjeet
- Bahadurjit
- Estefan a
- Jeman
- Fatehdharam
- Jeyandran
- Jayashree
- Dalajit
- Evniki
- Jayati
- Harinderjeet
- Jinadev
- Jayana
- Elota
- Eunisia
- Jeetes
- Diljit
- Karanjeet
- Jinabhadra
- Kelcey
- Jayaprakash
- Colben