180+ Best Anti-Bullying Slogans (2022). Bullying is cruel and should be prevented. These anti-bullying catchphrases will make it clear to you that you must respect others. At no cost should bullying be permitted. You can find some useful short anti-bullying quotes at the bottom of this page.
Anti-Bullying Slogans
- Stop the bully, that’s what heroes do!
- Be kind, words don’t rewind.
- If they bully your friend, you are the next one.
- Bullying others can’t make you happy.
- No bullies allowed here!
- Enough bully! Let’s play like good friends.
- Bullies don’t have REAL friends.
- Being mean is the first sign of failure.
- Do the right thing always, no bullying.
- Bullying doesn’t make you look cool.
- Villains hate, heroes congratulate!
- It’s alright to be polite.
- Bullying is a cycle that has to end FAST.
- A bully will always be sad in the end.
- Don’t be hateful online.
- Don’t make people sad.
- It’s not fair, you don’t care.
- Make the grade, join the anti-bully crusade.
- Your life will be negative if your mind is negative.
- Don’t start hate, spread love.
- Don’t let Facebook make you a jerk!
- Stop bullying now, take a stand, and lend a hand.
- Bullies think they are cool, no! They are fools!
- Be a friend, not a bully.
- Change your mindset and stop bullying.
- Record it, report it, and don’t support it.
- End bullying him before he end his life.
- Don’t judge, no one is perfect.
- Cool people love each other!
- Too smart to bully others!
- Smile and love your classmates.
- Anti Cyber Bullying Slogans should be displayed.
- Bullies? No! I am Smart.
- Stay cool and stop bullying.
Anti Cyber Bullying Slogans
- I am cool because I don’t bully others.
- Bullying is whack, get on the right track.
- This is a “No bully zone”
- Stop bullying and follow your teachers.
- No more bullies online!
- Online bullies create offline results.
- Don’t let one bad egg make you feel rotten.
- Snapchat bullies are the worst one.
- No bullying. Have a heart and stop taking a part.
- Rise up against bullying.
- I am sorry for bullying you, I won’t do it again.
- Take a stand against CYBER bullies.
- Mama told you “Not to bully others”.
- It’s not cool to be cruel.
- Words hurt more than swords.
- Use Your Brain, Being A Bully Won’t Gain.
Stop Anti-Bullying Slogans
- If you ignore it they will think it is okay.
- Stop bullying & make a difference!
- Don’t be a zero, be a hero and refrain from being a bully.
- It’s time to stand up against bullying.
- Stay cool and stop bullying.
- Bullying is a cycle that has to end FAST.
- EOB (End of Bullying).
- We only hire positive
- Stop bullying and let the world smile.
- Bullying stops here!
- Help stop bullying – Stand up and speak out.
- Bullies Fill the Silence. Speak Out when Bullying Occurs.
- Stand up and say no to bully.
- Some bruises are on the inside, stop bullying.
- Rise up against bullying.
- Leave bullying to the bulls. Be a human.
- Stop bullying before it is too late!!
- Step Up So Others Don’t Get Stepped On.
- Don’t stand by, stand up against bullying.
- Keep calm and stamp out bullies.
- Say no to bully.
- Be a hero, take a stand against bullying.
- Don’t stand by – stand up, stand strong together.
- End bullying before it ends a life.
- Don’t let anyone EVER dull your sparkle.
- Just Say NO to BULLYING.
- If you See a Bully, Tell a Teacher.
- Keep calm and stop bullying.
- Stop the Cycle of Bullying.
- If You Don’t Stand Up For Yourself, You Are Letting The Bully Win!
Anti-Bullying Slogans that Rhyme
- Bullying is a bad thing and a SAD thing.
- Be kind, words don’t rewind.
- Be proud, no bullies are allowed.
- Don’t be mean behind the screen.
- Don’t act like a creep, bullying hurts deep.
- Take a stand and lend a Hand.
- Be a true buddy, not a false bully.
- Stop the pain, it’s insane.
- Bullying is bad, Don’t make others feel sad.
- Use your brain, being a bully won’t gain.
- Don’t be a bully, be a buddy.
- It’s not cool to be cruel.
- Make The Grade, Join The Anti-Bully Crusade.
- Stand up for ALL, fat, skinny, tall or small
- It’s alright to be polite.
- It’s easy to hate, it’s hard to congratulate. Stop being simple.
- Use Your Brain, Being A Bully Won’t Gain.
- You don’t have to be a cop to tell bullies to stop.
- It’s smarter not to be a starter of harsh words.
- Be kind, words don’t rewind.
- Bullying is Whack, Get On The Right Track.
- Bullying is cruel so don’t act like a fool.
- Bullies are not accepted here, bullies are the one who should fear.
- Stand up for ALL, fat, skinny, tall or small.
- It’s not fair, you don’t care, we are ALL aware… you are a bully!
- Bullies are not cool they’re just cruel.
- Let’s cheer, bulling is not accepted here!
- Be a buddy not a bully.
- Have a Heart. Don’t take Part.
Prevent Anti-Bullying Slogans
- Record it, report it, and don’t support it.
- Lift people up. Don’t bring them down.
- Be cool in our school, It’s Bully Free And so are we!
- Never put someone else down to make yourself feel better
- Make some noise about bullying.
- I took the anti bullying pledge.
- A Bully-Free Environment Makes for a Much Better Atmosphere!
- Life without bullies can be sweet!
- It isn’t Big to make Other People Small.
- Keep smiling, bullies can’t stand it.
- Kindness counts, it starts with you.
- Bullying? Be Smart, Don’t Start.
- No Bullies Allowed.
- Never be bullied into silence.
- Be the change you wish to see in the world.
- Bully free starts with me.
- Don’t let one bad egg make you feel rotten.
End School Bullying Slogans
- Bullies Don’t Rule This School.
- Unlearn Your Bully Habits.
- School Is For The Compassionate Pool.
- Make Friends With Your Influence.
- Be The Reason Someone Feels Safe Today.
- Don’t Harass Your Friends In Class.
- Teach A Bully A Lesson.
- A Lunch From A Punch Does Not Taste Good.
- True Friendship Corrects Not Tolerates.
- Keep The School Safe For All.
- Bathrooms Are Not A Bully Room.
- Taking Money Takes Away Your Dignity.
- Stand With The One Out Of Four.
- Scholars Don’t Deserve Mental Scars.
- Cool Dudes Are Not Rude.
- Chase Your Dreams, Not Your Victims.
- There’s No Humor In Rumor.
- Walk Away From The Bullies In The Hallway.
- Don’t Tease People To Please Your Ego.
- No More Crying In The Corner.
- Respect For All Leads To Happier School.
- Laughing With A Bully Is Not Funny.
Anti-Bullying Taglines
- We care about your struggles.
- Being mean is meaningless
- Define your worth.
- Spread love not to hate
- Mean people win nothing but trouble.
- Find ways to smile again.
- Fight your struggles.
- Your friends are not your enemies
- Mind your own peace.
- Heal your heart without tearing people apart.
- Don’t let hatred consume your heart.
- Choose your battles wisely
- It’s not silly to be a bully.
- Taking money to earn respect is not worth it.
- Peace is a choice, make it yours.
- If you don’t mean it, don’t be mean.
No Bullying Taglines
- Kick out bullying.
- Don’t ruin life for fun.
- Don’t let your anger make others suffer.
- Bullies are no boss, don’t follow them.
- We keep an eye on those who make people cry.
- Bullies are off-limits
- Being mad doesn’t excuse you to be bad.
- Justice will not be kind to bullies.
- This building doesn’t tolerate bullying
- A bully’s life is full of strife.
- Bullies hold no ground on the campus.
- Bullies are powerless in this building.
- This workplace is a safe space.
- Don’t use your ability to speak against the weak.
- Don’t please a bully with your inferiority.
- The school is not the bullies’ playground.
- Your lies are not someone’s truth.
- We sanction people who bully for attention.
- If you can’t be kind, mind your own business.
- Treat people the way you want to be treated.
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